Mobile App: Optimize for large screens and tablets
Meru Deng
It should be pretty if you do like this! (Still necessary for doing the optimization and be native like an app)
Urko Martinez
There are many of us who use only iOS and specifically iPad is something vital that the system must have, since other companies with the same service have it. For us without that it doesn't make sense since the notifications don't arrive.
Mosey Levy
Any updates on this? Isnt it just a checkbox when compliling?
Mosey Levy
this is a big deal. im currently shopping platforms to use, and i want to be able to use this from my ipad. i often leave my iphone on a charger, and just use my ipad for a while. i dont want to miss out on chatting nor do i want an iphone app running on an iphone. FYI i may or may not sign up with because of this.
Bernardo Gonzalez
Merged in a post:
iOS App Optimized for for iPad
Iaroslav Kudritskiy
Currently the iOS app is optimized for iPhone and does not scale well for iPad.