Contact Field: Option to reorder (drag & arrange) and hide
Imad Ahmed
My custom fields are really unorganized because of the random order I added them in. I want to have an option to reorder it nicely. I would also want to hide some custom fields in messaging module (e.g. only used for API or Workflows purposes) or prioritize those fields that have values to be shown.
Ken Hoa Khoo
You can customize your contact details view now! 🎉
In Settings > Workspace Settings > Contact Fields, click the Customize View button. Now you can reorder the fields or edit their visibility. Once the changes are saved, the new arrangement and visibility configuration will be reflected in the Contact Details Drawer for all Workspace Users
Shi Hui
in progress
Juan Araujo
Also please give permissions to view some sensitive fields such as the Telephone or the email, not allowing some users to see them in their entirety, for example the telephone being able to present the last 4 digits to some users
Shi Hui
Merged in a post:
Contact field order
Isaac Meneses
Currently, when I create a custom contact field, that feature will be in order but I cant change the order of custom contact fields
Shi Hui
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Allow hiding contact fields that we do not use
Juan Jimenez
For example, for my company it is not necessary to display the country or the language. It would be very useful to be able to hide these fields and thus save space and improve the display of the rest of the information.
Jerry (CEO)
Merged in a post:
Drag & Arrange contact field details.
Amjith Ali
I Would like to arrange the contact info's fields as per my needs.
for eg: check the attached image.
I need to place the current city field in the first position instead of the email field.
Bernardo Gonzalez
Merged in a post:
Contact field change position
Santiago Infante
change field position in contact details
Prime Kids Academy
One more thing i have highlighted to support. Even though i delete email and phone info from the contact information . Still you have the phone number that can be seen when you are messaging someone.u can see that in 360 Dialog field on right hand top corner which make the whole purpose of removing phone number from contact list useless. Hop this will be factored in as well
Prime Kids
Also, a good example could be I want to hide customer contact details like phone no and email. But we should have some functionality to hide or make read only fields based on our need. Every organization is different so it will help all
Prime Kids
Just to add we need to have the capability to make certain fields read only or that we can restricts what an agent can see and what they can edit. There has to be some control on data. Right now it is open for all
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