We are proud to announce that respond.io is now a verified WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP)! 🎉 
Respond.io uses WhatsApp Cloud API, the cloud-hosted version of WhatsApp Business API. Our partnership with Meta allows you to integrate WhatsApp directly via respond.io. It’s quick and easy as you’ll no longer need a Facebook Developer Account to set up WhatsApp Cloud API.
Managing your WhatsApp channels on our platform will also be easier than ever.
BSP (1)
With free, robust, secure and reliable resources from Meta, you can scale your business messaging effortlessly. The respond.io WhatsApp Business API will also enable you to:
  • Get the WhatsApp quality rating and verified status for your business number
  • Sync and submit WhatsApp template messages
  • Sync and update your WhatsApp Business Profile
  • Automate processes with respond.io’s Workflows automation
  • Integrate Dialogflow to automate conversations
And more!
New Module - WhatsApp Fees
Once you’ve connected the respond.io WhatsApp Business API (respond.io WA BSP), a new module will appear in your respond.io account.
The WhatsApp Fees Module will allow you to manage your WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) balance directly from respond.io. The WABA Current balance is used to pay the WhatsApp conversation charges for the associated WhatsApp Channels. Ensure your balance is sufficient to cover the month’s charges for continuous operations.
Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 5
You can top up your WABA balance manually or configure an auto-recharge for automatic top-ups when it falls below a specified threshold. Alternatively, configure a balance alert to notify you when your balance is running low.
At the start of every month, the total usage of the previous month will be updated in the
Usage History
The WhatsApp Fees Module can be found under
Settings > Organization Settings
on respond.io.
Switch to the respond.io WhatsApp Business API today for stable and reliable WABA service and to truly centralize your business messaging on one platform. Learn more about the respond.io WhatsApp Business API and how to connect it here.