Business Problem:
The current export feature only allows users to export conversation histories based on a specified time period. This limitation prevents users from directly selecting specific conversations or all conversations for an individual customer. As a result, users often have to export an entire history and manually sift through unrelated or unnecessary information to locate the particular conversations they need. This process is time-consuming and inefficient.
Desired Outcome:
Enable users to send the chat history via email at the end of a conversation. This feature should allow targeted exporting of specific conversations or all conversations with an individual customer, eliminating the need for extra filtering and manual effort.
Use Cases:
  • Customer Service Wrap-Up: At the end of a conversation, customer service agents can email a detailed chat history directly to the customer or to internal stakeholders for documentation.
  • Case-Specific Documentation: Users can select and email a specific conversation history for legal or compliance purposes without exporting unrelated conversations.
Currently, users must rely on the export feature to download the entire history for a selected time period and manually filter through it to find the relevant conversation(s).